Firstly, I would like to know if any elements in my project are not working.

          I intend on adding two more written genres to the column entitled "Romney's Thoughts". What genres would you recommend? I will also be adding one more 6 word story.

          I also have considered continuing past these five groupings of material. If I end up doing so, what other issues would you like me to address? Should I expand on one of the issues I've already mentioned?
10/16/2012 12:20:46 am

I LOVE YOUR SIX WORD STORY. I think it is perfectly placed. I definitely think you should include another since the first was so powerful.

Romney's thoughts could be cool/ interesting to read as a worldle or collage...kind of representing his chaotic tendency to "change his mind"...

If your going to add more issues regarding women's rights, I think you should EXPAND on the ones you have already addressed. They work well, and expanding on them will only make your project more powerful.

Ashley N
10/16/2012 12:21:21 am

I think you should incorporate a video or some auditory with sounds. Your poems and drawings were pretty cool. I think the drawings give your genres a different meaning but still leave you on the same page on what you are trying to express.

10/16/2012 12:21:40 am

Your art work is really good! I like how you have a written genres because it shows how creative you can be. Your topic also is very easy to understand through your genres.

I think maybe you can add could be another poem because your poem was awesome! You really grabbed the attention of the audience. I think expanding on this would be good because it will give us a more clear understanding of your topic.

Prof. Mangini
10/16/2012 12:21:46 am

Amazing use of multiple columns to pull it all together in a unique way. In terms of adding more, I would suggest adding something that approaches the war on women in an even more violent way. Consider the quotes and notions about women's bodies and abortions that are out there. There's definitely something you could write up from the future's perspective somehow... as if Romney was the president. I recently heard a story about a girl who self-aborted/killed a baby by using scissors. There's a lot out there that would be interesting to show the Republican reaction and point of view on. I would also consider maybe adding some other modes-- song? Video? Your page lacks sound right now, so I'd like to hear some of Romney's words as well.

10/16/2012 12:21:55 am

I like that you focused on women's rights, I would say maybe if you were going to do Romney in the debates you could say something about what he was thinking, because you seem to have a great view of how you see him and I would like to see what you think he thoughts are. Maybe do a diary entry to what his thoughts were on the debate or make up a six word story as well about his thoughts on the debate.

10/16/2012 12:22:52 am

I do think your project is moving. I do think that you make a very strong point that suggests your thoughts about romney. I do like how you included art work of your own and placed them on the same side of the website. I do not think you should switch the one, I like that they are all on the same side, adds a sense of simplicity, something that does not seem to be stated as a support of Romney. I do feel like you could add some video as a mode, (like I need to too) to maybe enhance the effect of the piece. This is powerful and I do like your stance on the political issue for Decision 2012

10/16/2012 12:22:56 am

Kerri - I really liked the way you had your genres set up. Three different genres in a row was a really neat idea and I loved the fact that you included your own artwork. You are very artistic and the art really added to your project. I think the work that you've done so far has been great, and I'm excited to see what your final two genres will look like. How about a video or song? Something viewers can watch/hear?

Nicole H
10/16/2012 12:23:02 am

I like how you did the 3 columns with a written genre, 6 word story, and photo that all go together. I think it made your project very powerful and stand out. I think it would be good for you to expand more on one of the issues you already mentioned. Maybe if you added music or sound of your own voice into it, it could make this project even stronger. the six word stories were my favorite part.

Jaclyn H.
10/16/2012 12:23:09 am

I love how you made your project into three columns. It is uniquely designed. The poems and diary entries are very entertaining. Are you going to touch on some of the specific things that Romney is planning on taking away from women, like planned parenthood?

10/16/2012 12:23:33 am

I really like the way you have shaped your project and incorporated so much of your own work. As for your last two sections, maybe you could incorporate a "letter" or diary entry. Great work so far!

Katie Kasper
10/16/2012 12:24:34 am

I like your project so far, and the personal touch on everything. I like that you have some of your own artwork included that is great. Your diary entry is awesome, and short, and to the point. I hate reading long entries because I become uninterested quickly, but yours was perfect. Maybe some other genres could include a video to show peoples thoughts and opinions on this matter too. You could also interview someone and get their personal opinion as well

10/16/2012 12:24:40 am

I really enjoyed this project and that you focused on women's rights. You have an opinion about Romney so maybe add some quotes in from him that proves your points on him so more. I think it's a good idea to add another 6 word story. There very powerful and will add some more to what you have. Maybe a wordle would work as well? Good job!

Alivia Royds
10/16/2012 12:24:51 am

I like the idea of having the different three columns. I also like how you incorporated all of your art work into the project and the 6 word stories.
As for two more genres: maybe one for Romney's views on education? because I'm sure you could draw something easy to tie into that and come up with a six word story or you could add a video?
Just a few suggestions, but overall I think you came up with some great ideas! just need to expand upon them more

10/16/2012 12:25:17 am

I love the original art in your project! It's beautiful and it works well with the whole idea. As far as other genres go why don't you try adding in something with some kind of sound to it? Maybe a video to play in the background while the readers are viewing the rest of the page? I agree with other commenters that you should touch on the planned parenthood issue too.

10/16/2012 12:26:05 am

I think the one thing that really isn't working is just the format. I feel like it would work better if you had the posts arranged a little different on the page. Not necessarily in a different order, just in a different format. It would make the project flow better I think. I suggest just having everything one by one on top of each other, instead of being separated into three groups.

The writings themselves were definitely well done. "Romney's Thoughts" is a great idea. It's funny and it makes a point. The content of your project is great and I don't think you need to much more work on that.

10/16/2012 12:35:42 am

I really liked the sketches. I like how you put them in to your project so they can make sense. I like how u have all orhinal genres of ur own really cool!


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