In yours or other's projects, how have you used or seen social meanings, specific to a particular culture? When you compose, do you consider the specific social meanings of words, of letters, of colour and font-types with all their cultural resonances? Give an example.

          Specifically in my own composition, because of my English major, I find that I am often times predisposed to think about the way that I write and the implications that my writing has as I am writing. Again, because of my major, the stylistic elements do not usually play such a large role in the ways that I compose. I typically write in black ink, on white paper, and in an analytical fashion about some literary work. With my addition of a writing arts minor, I have found that these boundaries have become exponentially expanded as I now find myself writing on blogs and twitter as part of a school assignment. This compositional freedom is something that is still quite foreign to me.

Do you think that pictures can better convey your messages than words can?

          Yes. I have always been more affected by an image than I am by words. While there are specific exceptions to this, as I usually find when I am reading or listening to poetry, I often feel that images have much more bang for their buck. I enjoy the subjective nature of images, wherein writing is not always left to the reader's interpretation. Because of my major, I find that I often am drawn to imagery because I feel as if there is a greater form of meaning to be derived from it.

Does considering the meaning of the images chosen in the projects you're doing your rhetorical analysis on help you to better understand the project?

Yes. Sarah's project contains a well balanced mix of words and images, both of which work to enhance the validity of the other. Her inclusion of images brings a visual quality to her work and makes it even more appealing to her reader. The images help to draw her reader in and in turn, attract them to her writing. Arguably, without her inclusion of images, her project would not be as effective.

Lastly, list at least FIVE issues (not topics) that directly affect you and that you are passionate about.

  • Civil Union Law of New Jersey
  • Ridiculous ongoing battle between Church and State
  • Nation's inability to recognize civil rights
  • Women are STILL earning 71 cents to the male dollar
  • Stigma attached to women's health care rights
  • National need to categorize "liberal" and "conservative" viewpoints
  • "Traditional" family values

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