The effect that computer based technologies has had on the ways in which our society writes today are vast to say the least. Considering the speed and accuracy with which we can produce writing alone highlights the impact that computer based technologies has had on our writing. Long gone are the days of pen and paper. Handwriting is a thing of the past and instead now, we have thousands of fonts to choose from to suit our needs. In this way, technologically based forms of writing have leveled the proverbial playing field. One's ability to create has been aided by computed generated organization, cut and paste, and of course, spell check in programs such as Microsoft Word. 
          In it's own way, the computer is very much so the pencil of our generation. Though simply a tool, the pencil did revolutionize the way we wrote and even more so, the way we edit. Erasers allowed us to change mistakes that we had made, as does the backspace key now, and in turn, we are adapting to become more critical writers and readers. Computers also open up writing to a whole new consumer. Those who did not take to traditional forms of writing, whatever their reasons, are now provided a completely new outlet through which they are able to venture into their own WWW - a wonderful world of writing.
          When considered in relation to our upcoming Decision 2012 projects, the computer and digital composition obviously play an integral role in the production of our final pieces. Without this digital medium, we would in fact be completely unable to finish [or begin for that matter] this project and the likelihood of the class still being offered would be reduced to slim to none. 

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