          I long for the day that these stacks of coins become equal. Unfortunately, I do not fathom it coming anytime in the near future. It is beyond me that women are still averaging only 73 cents to the male earned dollar in the US and as a female who is making her way into the workforce, I am terrified. 
          I am not out to say that men have it easy. They are faced with their own unique challenges and gender expectations,  however while they are left to walk the proverbial balance beam of the workforce, women seem to be left with little more than a tightrope and well wishes. Equal qualifications should lead to equal pay regardless of gender, race, religion, orientation, and all other superfluous factors. Given that women are expected to uphold the same caliber of societal responsibility as their male counterparts, they should also be equally enabled monetarily. Of late, our nation has had trouble, and I use this word quite graciously, with upholding our constitution. As a country that prides itself of equal opportunity, we are failing, and until there is a change in our perception of what is equal, we will perpetually remain in a state of turmoil and unrest. 

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