The biggest difficulty that I have run into while developing my résume is being selective about what I include and likewise, what I leave off of it. While applying recently to Tough Mudder HQ, I was faced with this issue when contemplating whether or not my life guarding and swim instructing experience was relevant to include.  After reading through the job description that was posted on the company's website, I found that the position I was applying for required the applicant to become certified in areas such as first aid, CPR, AED, and BBP, all of which I have now because of my past summer jobs. The job also called for someone who had experience working outdoors and with a variety of people in a  leadership role, which were also played into my time spent at the pool.
          At this point in my job search, I have lost count of how many times I have reexamined my résume and altered it for an application. All of the versions that I've accumulated thus far are saved into a folder on my computer. It is beginning to seem as if I create a new one each time I got to apply for a job. Perhaps that is my calling.

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